

14 Dec: Playground – Part 3: Catch it, trace it, log it and upload it

This article is part of a series called Playground: Playground – Part 1: A Xamarin.Forms Microsoft.Extended journey Playground – Part 2: Settings with Options pattern Playground – Part 3: Catch it, trace it, log it and upload it (this one) In the previous article, we implemented our settings layer. In this one, we’ll add some logging capabilities to our Playground. As Shiny comes with its own logging system built in, I was wondering if official Microsoft.Extensions.Logging packages could add some more value or not. Actually, not so much as it adds a lot more package dependencies for almost the same job offered by Shiny.Core’s logging system. Also, if Shiny’s ILogger interface offers the opportunity to save some more key/value parameters while tracking events and exceptions, it’s not available into the extension one AFAIK. So, if we’ll use a built-in feature, why this article? Because I want more 🙂 First of…